We want everyone to feel a part of the Academy and wearing uniform is a big part of our identity
- Grey or black trousers, pinafore or skirt
- Yellow or purple polo shirt
- Green sweatshirt or cardigan
- Flat shoes, preferably black
- In summer, grey shorts may be worn, or a green, yellow or purple gingham dress.
Each child also needs
- A school reading folder or small bag
PE Kit Requirements
PE is a compulsory subject in school.
Please provide your child with a sensible PE kit. This kit should preferably be in the school colours and not branded.
The kit must consist of the following items:
- yellow/purple or plain white t-shirt
- black/green shorts
- plimsolls
- trainers
- jogging bottoms/track suit for outdoor use and for the cold weather.
PE days may change to fit in with the needs of the school, therefore it is important that your child has appropriate PE kit in school with them every day to ensure that PE can be taught consistently and in line with the National Curriculum.
Please see the link below that will take you to the School Uniform Exchange site where you can find out more about pre-loved uniform.
Alternatively, we have a small selection of quality, pre-loved uniform available in school. Please speak to Mrs Conroy or the School Office.
We welcome your co-operation with this matter. For safety reasons the rule of the school is that no jewellery is worn. If you insist on your child wearing earrings, only 'stud' type earrings will be allowed. It is our policy that no jewellery is worn for P.E. which means earrings must be removed for all lessons including swimming. If it is not possible to remove your child's earrings for P.E. please provide your child with a sticking plaster to cover their earrings.
Children are allowed to wear a watch but not a smart watch due to safeguarding.