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Welcome Letter

Dear Parents and Carers,

It has been lovely to welcome all of the children back from their summer break especially with all of this lovely weather. I hope you all had a wonderful summer and are ready for a new school year. A special welcome to new pupils, parents and staff to our school.  I am sure will be very happy here. I would like to say how pleased I am to be your Headteacher. West Park Academy is a very special school and one which I feel extremely privileged to lead. As the Headteacher, I will always make time to talk with parents, I am available on the gate most days or contact me via the office if you wish to discuss any issues or ask questions. We send regular Newsletters so please take time to read them, so you are clear about the events taking place this term. Curriculum overviews are also available on the website so you know what your child will be studying this term.

We have had a really positive return to school, with the vast majority of children happy and excited to be back. It has been great to see so many children arriving in good time. It is quite distressing for children to walk into a full classroom when lessons have already started. Thank you for this. Many children are also so smartly dressed in their uniforms. Please take time to label all items as we always try really hard to reunite lost items with their owner but this is sometimes impossible if items are unnamed. The school uniform policy is available on the website and children will be asked to remove items such as hoodies if they do not follow the policy.

Finally at the end of this half term we will be hosting Parent’s Consultation Evenings. This will be your opportunity to meet in person your child’s class teacher and hear about their progress. It is invaluable in that it helps to identify early strengths and areas where support may be required. We see the work between home and school as being a partnership- the stronger it is the better.  

I look forward to the year ahead: seeing the children grow and learn is a wonderful thing. Thank you for choosing to send your child to West Park Academy and for playing such an active role in their education.

Kind regards,

Mrs Hirst