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STEm Selfie Winners

Today we judged our #STEMselfie competition.  There were some amazing entries on both our facebook page and sent through to teachers directly.

It was incredibly hard to pick winners because we were so impressed with the entries.  Well done to everyone who took part.  Here are the winners...

The winners were


1st - Eleanor (Nursery)

2nd - Marley (Reception)

3rd - Amelia & Evie (Reception)


1st - Ari (Class 3)

2nd - Violet (Class 1)

3rd - Emma (Class 4)

Lower KS2

1st - Hayden (Class 6)

2nd - Dylan (Hub 1)

3rd - Sebastian (Class 6)

Upper KS2

1st - Annabel (Class 12)

2nd - Anya (Class 12)

3rd - Joshua (Class 11)