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Please read the articles below to keep up to date with life at West Park Academy.

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  • 26/03/20

    Communicating with Teachers

    Please see info here on how you and your child can communicate with class teachers during the closures.
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  • 23/03/20

    A letter to the children from Mrs Hirst

    Hello all, It was strange in school today with so many of you not here. Things are a little upside down at the minute so I thought I would share with you some of the things in school that we are doing so we can all keep in touch. Willow, Miss Pattison’s rabbit is in and enjoying the atte...
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  • 23/03/20

    VLE Guide

    Please see the guide below showing how to use our new VLE.
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  • 23/03/20

    Online Services

    Please see our guide on which online services we have set up for children during the school closures.
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  • 23/03/20

    VLE Access

    We are aware of a number of children struggling to access the VLE.  If this is the case contact your child's class teacher or Mr Fraser to get the password reset. (  Please include child's name, class and the password stated on the login card if c...
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  • 23/03/20

    Thank you

    We would like to say a huge thank you to parents and families of the children at West Park Academy.  We were anticipating a high number of children today but a lot of families have kept their children at home where possible. We are still here in the event of an emergency for those Keyworkers...
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  • 22/03/20

    Urgent Notice

    As you are aware schools across Britain are CLOSED. You should ONLY send your child to school on Monday if you have to and because your work is critical to the COVID-19 response. Whilst the Government stated that as long as one parent is a Key Worker children may if needed attend school, schools...
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  • 21/03/20

    VLE and online access

    The children should have received their learning packs / brought it home from school yesterday.  We have endeavoured to get all accounts set up correctly but there may be some issues.
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  • 20/03/20

    Childcare Service - Update

    Today we have complied a list of children who are potentially eligible to return to school on Monday for childcare provision.  At present we have over 100 children potentially attending next week.  It is imperative that we keep numbers down in order to comply with social distancing as requ...
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  • 19/03/20

    Closure Letter

    As I am sure you are aware school is closed from Friday (20.3.20) until further notice for all but a small number of children. In order to maintain children’s education, we are sending home packs of work to be completed.  All packs will be delivered tomorrow (Friday 20th March).
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  • 18/03/20

    Coronavirus - Letter to parents

    Following the announcements this evening. A letter from Mrs Hirst.
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  • 18/03/20

    Grab Bags For Free School Meals

    Starting from Monday 23rd March 2020 any of our West Park Academy families with children self-isolating or not attending due to school closure, who are FREE SCHOOL MEALS, can contact the school office before 9:30am to arrange your FREE daily packed lunch collection.
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