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Please read the articles below to keep up to date with life at West Park Academy.

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  • 04/06/20

    Secondary School Transition

    To our Year 6 children and families, We can't believe the time has come to start thinking about your secondary school transition.  In these strange times at the moment, you are not able to visit your new school but this page will be a place to keep up to date with any t...
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  • 02/06/20

    For returning children

    Dear Parents and Carers of returning children, We are welcoming back children who haven’t been into school for some time.  Attached is a resource that might help you and your child to make this a really positive experience. Looking forward to seeing you all soon. Mrs Hirst
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  • 02/06/20

    Routes around school

    We can’t wait to welcome you back but things may seem a little different at first.  To help we have put together a few documents to help you get familiar with the new look school. Everyone returning will receive a letter before they start with pictures explaining who they are going to...
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  • 29/05/20


    Dear Parents and Carers, Following the Government’s announcement yesterday that they have met the tests that they set before schools could reopen we will be opening for children from next week. We are so happy to welcome children back as we have missed them and they are what makes a school...
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  • 27/05/20

    Keyworker Places

    Dear Parents and Carers, As more employees are being asked to return to work, we are being increasingly asked for child care. Unfortunately, due to the need to reduce class sizes to no more than 15, I have no choice but to limit our keyworker places to those who are required for the Covid19 respo...
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  • 22/05/20

    Proposed Opening Times

    I know that many of you are keen to know what the plans are for school return so that you can prepare for this. As I have previously stated preparing for school reopening involves ensuring we comply with all of the guidance from the Department for Education, working with Health and Safety and ens...
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  • 19/05/20

    Parent's Questions Answered

    Dear Parents and Carers, I have collated queries raised on the recent survey and responded to them. We are currently working on the organisational plan for re-opening, working with staff, health and safety advisors, the Trustees and Public Health to ensure that all measures are taken to reduce...
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  • 14/05/20

    School Return Survey

    Dear Parents and Carers, Thank you so much for your patience at this time. Following the Government’s announcement that schools should prepare for opening from the 1st of June for children in Nursery, Reception, Year 1 and Year 6, we have been working hard to ensure that we can make th...
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  • 13/05/20

    Wake 'n' Shake with Mrs Black

    Last week Mrs Black recorded a video for the children to join in with Wake N Shake on Thursday morning.  Another video is going live tomorrow morning at 9am. Check out our facebook page to join in!
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  • 13/05/20

    Competition Winners

    Some of our children recently took part in a competition to design rainbows to celebrate the work of our NHS, key workers and the local community, run by Whitehouse Funeral Services in Cockerton. We had 12 winners who all received a certificate and prize.  Their winning designs are now displ...
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  • 13/05/20

    Re-opening advice for Parents

    Please find a link to the latest Government document for parents and carers on school reopening.
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  • 12/05/20

    Parent Update

    Dear Parents and Carers, Following on from the Prime Ministers announcement for a phase return for early years settings and schools from the 1st of June,  we began yesterday and will be for the next two weeks preparing for this to happen. 
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