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Please read the articles below to keep up to date with life at West Park Academy.

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  • 01/07/20

    Mrs Hirst's Challenge

    Good afternoon all, Your teachers have been very busy teaching children who are currently in school but also planning for you all coming back in September.  You all should have received your letter from your new teacher and we are going to host zoom meetings with your new teacher and the res...
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  • 01/07/20

    Mrs Hirst's Challenge

    Good afternoon all, Your teachers have been very busy teaching children who are currently in school but also planning for you all coming back in September.  You all should have received your letter from your new teacher and we are going to host zoom meetings with your new teacher and the res...
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  • 29/06/20

    Happy Monday! - Mrs Hirst's Challenge

    Well hasn’t the weather been peculiar this month? We have had record temperatures, rainfall, thunderstorms and now it’s so windy.  My challenge today is to build your own weather station for July. Think about what you could measure and how you could measure it. Then collect your...
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  • 26/06/20


    The year 1 bubbles have been busy planting runner bean seeds this morning. They decided a  scarecrow called Tony would help to keep the birds away.  We are all excited to watch our plants grow.
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  • 25/06/20

    Mrs Hirst's Challenges - Come on everybody - join in!

    Hi all, My challenge today is to get active and join in with our Wake and Shake.  Join together virtually with staff and children who were on the field this morning getting the day off to a great start. Play the video, strut your stuff and let us know how you feel after. Enjoy your day...
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  • 24/06/20

    Reception Transition Video

    A warm welcome to everyone new to our school! We understand that this can be an anxious time for both children and parents in the build up to the new term beginning.  Also, with the added complexities of Coronavirus and not being able to come and visit for Transition Days.   W...
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  • 24/06/20

    Mrs Hirst's Challenge

    What a beautiful day it is. June was the month we were going to have STEM week - it’ll be back next year. So I thought we would have a few science and inventor challenges at home instead.  Today I thought it would be a good day for a scavenger hunt finding things made from different ma...
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  • 22/06/20

    Mrs Hirst's Challenge 8

    So what have you done today to make you feel proud? This weekend was the Summer Solstice, mid-summer which means we had the longest hours of daylight.  On Saturday we had 16 hours and 38 minutes of daylight which was fantastic!  It was a busy day, the sun shone for most of it and it was...
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  • 22/06/20

    Learning & Skills - Family Courses

    Learning & Skills have some excellent online courses coming up to help you and your children at home.  They have a range of courses, all of which you can do online, including; Family First Aid Helping in School Time for Books Parenting skills Positive Parenting 0-5 Posi...
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  • 19/06/20

    Mrs Hirst's Challenge 7

    Good afternoon everyone, I hope you are all well. Thanks so much for all your music suggestions, I’m going to have a great weekend listening to them.  It was also lovely to see the photos of how they made you feel some of you were so relaxed, others just wanting to dance. Today you...
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  • 19/06/20

    ‘Hold Still’ Year One!

    Yesterday the children took part in the National Oak Academy’s assembly where The Duchess of Cambridge spoke about acts of kindness and wellbeing. We also found out The Duchess and the National Portrait Gallery are hosting the community project Hold Still, where they are encouraging the nation...
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  • 18/06/20

    Mrs Hirst's Challenge 6

    We have had so many people sending in their entries to the challenges, it really is lovely to hear from you all! Today even more stones appeared on our ever growing chain of stones, thank you to all of you who contributed and for those who haven’t yet please do so if you can. Everyone stops...
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