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Please read the articles below to keep up to date with life at West Park Academy.

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  • 07/04/22

    Tree Planting

    On Wednesday, the children from Hub 2 helped to plant 40 trees in our school grounds.  The trees were kindly donated by Roz from the Darlington Forest Project.  We hope that in years to come, the children can enjoy a mini woodland area in school.
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  • 05/04/22

    Lost Property

    Lost Property. There are a number of coats, fleeces, jumpers, cardigans and trousers all unnamed and unclaimed.
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  • 31/03/22

    Tree Planting Yr 6 - Queens Platinum Jubilee

    As part of our making a difference to our environment, some of our Year 6s planted trees to commemorate the Queen's Platinum Jubilee. They worked hard and also were able to link it to their current topic of Rainforests in which they look at why trees are so important to our lives and the environ...
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  • 25/03/22

    Litter Picking

    Making a Difference  At West Park Academy, we believe that no matter how small you are, you can make a positive difference. This term all children have been litter picking as part of the Great British Spring Clean as we have noticed how much litter has been thrown in our local environme...
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  • 18/03/22

    Ukraine Fund

    We have been completely bowled over by the hard work and enthusiasm of our children and the generosity of the community. This week in school we have run, sold, baked, car-washed, thrown custard pies, dressed up, raffled and eaten cake and as a result we have raised a massive £2865.03 for the B...
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  • 14/03/22

    Opal Newsletter March 2022

    Since starting the OPAL programme, it has definitely been a journey! Although it has not been easy, we have seen so many benefits of improving play at West Park Academy and believe now, it is more important than ever.  Read all about it here...
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  • 11/03/22

    Ukraine Fundraiser

    Ukraine Fundraiser Dear Parents/Carers As you know our children are brilliant and are always very keen to make a difference. When we asked how they would like to help raise money for Save the Children and British Red Cross with funds going directly to Ukraine Disaster Fund, they came up with t...
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  • 04/03/22

    World Book Day 2022

    Yesterday was a wonderful celebration of reading across the school. Dressed in their cosy pyjamas, the children took part in a variety of activities throughout the day including a session with Storyteller Elizabeth Baker.
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  • 02/03/22

    What is happening in Ukraine......

    What is happening in Ukraine is frightening for both children and adults alike. As hostilities escalate, children may see and hear things about the crisis in the news, leading to feelings of uncertainty, anxiety and fear. Although they may not understand the conflict, they may have questions...
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  • 18/02/22

    Spring Letter to Parents

    Dear Parents and Carers, What a half term it has been! We have been in full swing learning wise with children learning about Rainforests and why they matter to us, the Ancient Greeks, magnetism, how to look after the heart, the impact of the industrial revolution on our lives and many, many ot...
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  • 15/02/22

    Diabetes UK

    Know Diabetes, Fight Diabetes. Know the 4Ts of Type 1 diabetes, it could save a child's life.
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  • 15/02/22

    Diarrhoea and Vomiting in Children

    Diarrhoea and Vomiting in Children
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