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End of Year Letter July 2024

23rd July 2024

Dear All,

As another school year draws to a close, I would like to thank each and every one of you for your support and kindness and for choosing West Park Academy for your children. As a Head Teacher, I feel very privileged to be able to watch your child grow and flourish: seeing them whether in class, outside, at the gate or in assembly it is a real pleasure to spend time with such lovely people.

This year has been successful and challenging in equal measure. Whether it is making the budget balance, OFSTED calling or waiting for SATs results - no day is the same. We were extremely proud of our OFSTED letter, summed up in the first line which read, “Pupils are happy at this vibrant school.” This is what we care about and means so much. Also, our recent SATs results that put us in the top 20% of schools in the country; we know our children go up to secondary school well prepared for the next stage of their lives. We are a team, working together with children, parents, carers and staff to do our very best for the children in our care.

Financial pressures are never far away and we have had to make tough decisions this year to ensure that we do not compromise on our offer to children.  We have been genuinely thrilled and overwhelmed by the support of staff, parents, carers, students old and new and members of the community in this. Our West Park Walkers raised a tremendous £3024.07 in their hike up Scafell Pike in Spring, from this a donation is being given to MIND. Our recent Summer Fayre was a fantastic success raising a magnificent £2433.17. A huge thank you goes out to all the people involved in making this happen. Particular thanks go to M & M Party Bouncers, who provided the bouncy castles free of charge and the Monday group of parents and relatives who work alongside Mrs Conroy. They have worked tirelessly to make sure there were fundraising events throughout the year.

Sadly, we will be saying goodbye to some amazing staff as they move onto new and exciting opportunities. We are saying goodbye to Miss Claire in Nursery, Miss Cartwright in Reception, Mrs Young in Year 5 and Mrs Tinkler in Year 2. We wish them the very best and thank them for all they have done.

It just leaves me to say have a wonderful summer - hopefully the sun will shine and you will have the opportunity to spend some precious time making memories with your friends and families. For those of you returning we look forward to seeing you on Wednesday 4th September 2024 and for those leaving we wish you the very best for the future.

Take care,


Mrs Hirst and the staff at WPA