End of Autumn 1 Term Newsletter
Dear Parents and carers,
It has been a wonderful return to school, despite all that they have been through, children have settled quickly back into school routines. It has been particularly lovely for the children to go on trips once again; this really makes the learning come alive. Over the year, we will be sharing with you photos of the children and all their experiences so you get an insight into their learning.
We have been so lucky with less cases than many other schools are experiencing. However if a child does test positive, but is well in themselves, we provide on-line learning to ensure that they do not miss out on the learning that is happening in the classroom. Thank you so much for all the support you have given us as we have navigated our way through the ever-changing guidance.
Returning to school, we are prioritising reading, which is at the heart of education and unlocks learning in so many subjects. Your child’s class teacher and teaching assistant will be listening to your child read regularly, both within lessons and individually. We do however, encourage all children to read every night and discuss what they have read with an adult. Please support us in developing this most important skill by ensuring that this happens as often as possible. This, beyond all else will help your child to become a skilled and confident reader.
Access to the outdoors and fresh air is so important for children so despite the weather, playtimes and lunchtimes are outside. We have wellies and waterproof trousers in school but please make sure your child has a waterproof coat on and maybe pop some spare tights/leggings/socks/trousers in their bags in case those puddles are bigger than their wellies. (Please name all belongings).
A huge thank you to all of you who kindly sent in donations for the King’s Church Foodbank. Members of the church came to collect the donations and deliver an assembly and were overwhelmed by your generosity. They told the children that they prepare 150 bags of food/day to be collected by those most in need and food collected at West Park will support this work.
Lost property- we are constantly trying to unite children with their lost belongings. If clothing/ belongings are labelled then this process is so much easier. On Tuesday and Wednesday of this week, all lost property that is unnamed will be available at the front of the school. If your child has lost anything, please take a look.
Finally, we would like to wish you a lovely half-term. School is closed for children from Thursday 21st of October 2021 and re-opens on Monday 1st of November 2021.
Many thanks,
From us all at West Park Academy