Heroes Stamp Design Competition
Dear Parent/Guardian,
Our school is delighted to be taking part in Royal Mail’s Heroes Stamp Design Competition, honouring the heroes of the coronavirus pandemic.
Eight pupils from primary and secondary schools across the UK will become the designers of this stamp set, and one could be your child!
Each entry we send in will have the name of each child, plus their age and our school’s name and postcode.
Before we submit entries to Royal Mail we need explain how Royal Mail will use these details. Royal Mail will use these details of children who enter (i.e. name, age, school name and postcode) to run the competition, including to contact the winners and distribute prizes. Royal Mail will share this information with iChild Limited and The Education Company Limited, who are helping Royal Mail to run the competition.
Except in the case of the 120 children who reach the Regional Finalists stage, Royal Mail will delete all of this data by 30th September 2021.
As is usual in competitions, Royal Mail may, if requested, tell the Advertising Standards Authority of those winners’ surnames and counties. Members of the public will also be able to ask Royal Mail for that information after 30th September 2021. If you object to your child’s surname and county being available to members of the public, you should write to Heroes Stamp Design Competition, Royal Mail Group, 185 Farringdon Road, London EC1A 1AA. However, Royal Mail may still need to give this information to the Advertising Standards Authority on a confidential basis.
If your child enters the competition, Royal Mail has what data protection law calls a “legitimate interest” to use your child’s details (i.e. name, age, school name and postcode) in the ways described above. However, your decision of what is best for your child takes priority, so if you have any concerns please let your child’s teacher know not to include your child’s design in the competition.
Please refer to Royal Mail’s Privacy Notice at https://www.royalmailgroup.com/en/site/privacy-notice/ for more information about how to exercise data protection rights, contact Royal Mail’s Data Protection Officer or raise complaints with the Information Commissioner’s Office.
If your child is one of the competition winners, Royal Mail will contact you separately, via the school, to discuss whether you would be willing to take part in publicity.
Thank you,
Heroes Stamp Design Competition