Letter to Parents
Last week was Mental Health Awareness Week and we started the week with an assembly about 5 steps to wellbeing. The children were encouraged to keep a diary and log any actions they took to make a difference to their own wellbeing and then on Friday they shared these with others across the school. Many of the children enjoyed being in nature and noticing the clouds and the plants and animals that they share their surroundings with.
As if by magic, yesterday we had a visitor on the school field - a hedgehog. All the children were thrilled that he/she had visited and it stayed with Year 2 who were studying the Hodgeheg by Dick King Smith, eating half a can of munchymeat before being released safely at the end of the day.
The mental health and wellbeing of the children is a key focus for us moving forward as we recover from the impact of the pandemic and we will be seeking out opportunities to incorporate healthy lifestyle habits both within the school day and beyond.