Update letter to Parents
Dear Parents and Carers,
Thank you for your patience as we sort both our on-line learning and provision for our face-to-face teaching. You have now all been contacted to see what your requirements are and we are currently working to reset passwords for those that need it.
We currently have 130 pupils requiring face-to-face provision so we will NOT be able to accept any more applications for places at this time. Please only access this when and if you need it.
On-line learning Y1-Y6
For on-line learning this week, we are using some pre-prepared resources, as the ones we had prepared for face-to-face teaching are not appropriate for on-line learning due to the number of resources required.
Children should all have an exercise book to record their work in; if this is not the case then we have more available in school for collection. Work set from Monday- we will ensure that there is no printing required with work recorded directly into the exercise books. Children can acknowledge that they have completed this work or upload a picture of it and they will receive feedback. You will receive fortnightly phone calls checking that children are able to access learning and staff will be available via email to support.
For children who are currently experiencing problems logging in, we are working on it now and it should be all sorted for you shortly.
Our Nursery and Reception children will have work set via Tapestry.
Reading books
If your child is on the Oxford Reading Tree Scheme then reading books are available for on-line access.
As a parent you will need to register but it is free access to all books in the scheme.
Face-to-Face Teaching
For children coming into school, the school day will be a staggered start 8:45am- 9:15am with Nursery, Reception and Year 1 finishing at 3:15pm and Year 2-6 finishing at 3:30pm. We will be offering breakfast club and school dinners (hot meals) as normal.
Please note there will be no Crossing Patrol service as of the end of day Thursday 7th January 2021.
We will endeavour to keep you updated and we wish you and your families all the very best.
Many thanks
Mrs Hirst