Family Internet Use Plan
On Wednesday 6th February 2019 Mike Clark from C:The Box delivered a session about pupil Internet use at West Park Academy. He talked about how children use the Internet and the potential risks they face.
The main message from the session was to be open and honest about Internet use with your children. He also talked about creating a Family Media Plan.
This allows your family to look at how modern media and technology can work best for you. By working together as a family you get to set the rules, to create the goals and aims around the use of all the devices within your home. You also get to set and agree the important times when everyone can stop, switch off and take a break from their screens and devices.
Creating a Family Media Plan is also a great place to start those often difficult conversations with your family around the risks and dangers they face online and allows you to set simple rules that make you all a lot safer. You can find the resources here.